Vlogger and micro-filmmaker


Right on.


I think the biggest story in the online film world this week, outside of the forthcoming release of The Dark Knight Rises, was probably the vitriolic response that a number of critics got from Rotten Tomatoes users to their less than 100% positive reviews of that film. There’s been plenty of writing on the subject of Batman fans’ reactions to those reviews, and the whole story is wrapped up nicely by Matt Singer over at Criticwire. Some have said that these responses, which have included horrible misogynistic comments and death threats, are the result of some sort of insanity specific to Batman and Nolan fans. I don’t take this view, maybe because I consider myself a huge fan of Nolan’s work and his Batman films, and I also consider myself a fairly reasonable person.

I don’t think it’s fair to single out Batman fans. We saw the same…

View original post 681 more words

Corporo-Fascism is NOT Free Enterprise

American industry is not free, as once it was free; American enterprise is not free; the man with only a little capital is finding it harder to get into the field, more and more impossible to compete with the big fellow. Why? Because the laws of this country do not prevent the strong from crushing the weak.That is the reason, and because the strong have crushed the weak the strong dominate the industry and the economic life of this country. No man can deny that the lines of endeavor have more and more narrowed and stiffened; no man who knows anything about the development of industry in this country can have failed to observe that the larger kinds of credit are more and more difficult to obtain, unless you obtain them upon the terms of uniting your efforts with those who already control the industries of the country; and nobody can fail to observe that any man who tries to set himself up in competition with any process of manufacture which has been taken under the control of large combinations of capital will presently find himself either squeezed out or obliged to sell and allow himself to be absorbed.
– Woodrow Wilson, Section I: “The Old Order Changeth”, p. 15.

Retrieved from Wikiquote on June 2, 2012 – http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Woodrow_Wilson

Found on Facebook Episode 5 Links and Presenters

Links and Presenters:

I Shot the Serif: http://designmuse.typepad.com/design-muse/2011/02/i-shot-the-serif.html

Presented by Dan Russell

Dan’s Tumblr: http://danrussell.tumblr.com/


Fried Koolaid: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/jun/14/fried-kool-aid-hit-fair-chicken-charlie-says/

The Marauder: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008398/Top-Gear-finds-worlds-unstoppable-vehicle.html

Presented by JD Swartz

JD’s blog: http://byzantinebiblebelt.blogspot.com/


Sports Night on Soccer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBOH3gJG7P4

Presented by Lauren Shows

ICE SOCCER FOR REAL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2a4DbRS3EA


Hobbit Behind the Scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7RnPfnkoWY

Presented by Erich Von Hinken


Carp Frenzy: http://tiny.cc/ten7r

Presented by Judah McNiel

Judah’s Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Winkvanripple


Unnamed Comic Strip: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2OQznq/somuchdamage.com/stuff/diggcomic.jpg

Presented by Ben Lippmann


Real Football Hero: http://tampabay.sbnation.com/south-florida-bulls/2011/6/24/2241656/usf-ol-danous-estenor-lifts-car-to-save-a-mans-life

Presented by Bradley Woodrum

Brad’s Blog: http://www.homebodyabroad.blogspot.com/

Video Posting Time

Found On Facebook Tentative Rules and Rhetorical FAQ’s

Found on Facebook is a weekly Youtube show in which I share my favorite links, statuses, pics, videos, etc. posted on Facebook during the preceding week.

If you’re my Facebook friend, you are eligible to be featured (I will check with you before referencing you or your content to ensure privacy concerns are met).

If I feature you, I will let you know, and you are free to get back to me with any self-promotion you desire, which I will include either in the video or in the description.

I have over 2,000 friends currently, so it is impossible for me (since this is only currently a part-time-no-pay job) to adequately cover all that ground, so if you really think you have something worthy of being featured, message me or post it on my wall (try to keep it clean please…or at least clean-ish-watch previous episodes to get an idea for my tastes).

In addition to the promotion you get for being willing to be featured, there will also be a leaderboard keeping track of the most frequent posters. Since the audience may grow (we’ll see), it wouldn’t be fair for people just starting out to try to keep up with those who have been posting for weeks and weeks. Therefore, the leaderboard will reset at the end of each month, giving us one winner for the month.

1) Only posts from the preceding week will be considered.

2) Only posts that are NEW to me THAT WEEK will be considered (IE, stuff I’ve never seen before).

What does the winner get?

To curate Found on Facebook for a special monthly episode, in which the winner gets to host the show themselves and provide THEIR own favorite links found on Facebook during that month. They can use this time to shill all they want for themselves or their friends, just make it interesting.

What if the winner doesn’t have fancy editing equipment?

Shoot video of yourself with whatever camera/device you have talking about your favorite links, etc. and then upload to youtube as an unlisted video. Send me the link thru FB along with links of the sites, links, etc. and I will edit if for you.

What if the winner doesn’t have a camera?

Send me the links, and I’ll take a FB photo of you and make a south park style animation of you talking about your favorite links using a very bad vocal impersonation.

Hey, I don’t like that!

This is not the show you’re looking for…Move along.

How is the winner picked?

Competitors receive points in two ways:

1) 5 points for each post submitted that ends up on an episode.

2) 1 point for each unique user-comment that specifies the competitor’s link as their favorite in that episode of Found on Facebook. But, only comments POSTED ON YOUTUBE will count for this.

3) 10 points for being my favorite link/status/etc. of the week.


Because I need interaction to happen on Youtube to help my channel grow.

But I don’t care if your channel grows!

Then, again, This is not the show you’re looking for…Move along.

But I don’t have a youtube channel.

Please get one.

But my friends who will vote for me don’t have a Youtube channel.

Please encourage them to get one.

So, wait, no comments or likes on FB will count in the point tally?

That’s right! This is a Youtube show, and I’m a Youtube girl, or something like that.

Will you show favoritism?

I’m sure I will do so even when I try to fight it. But I promise that I will endeavor to be as fair and evenhanded as is humanly possible (which, if you know any humans, is almost laughable).

I’m not your friend; how can I be featured?

Become my friend: http://tiny.cc/2faf1

What will you do when you reach the maximum FB friend allotment?

That will be an interesting day.

Hey! Wait! I posted a link waaay before the other person  you picked did!

I don’t have a means to crawl through my friends list and compare posting times of links. Some weeks certain links get a ton of play, and I will reference the person whom I SAW FIRST. I know it is not ideal, but for now it will have to do.

Anything else I should know?

Please like The Surfing Violinist on Facebook, share me on reddit, digg, blog, twitter, or with your boss if he happens to be Joss Whedon, Michael Haneke, Amir Khan, Anthony Bourdain, Captain Picard or Freddie W.

I’m a Bird Violin Play-Along

This one has been getting some attention this week: